All for hair

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Jordanian cream-balm of Dead Sea mud for deep cleaning of hair Baraem Alatfal "Precious Bud", 200 ml BUSTAN BUDUR Beautiful hair is the pride of every woman, especially in the East. Beautiful hair dazzles more diamonds. Hair care in Arab culture is given special attention. Oriental cosmetics at the Secret of the East.rf offers only natural products according to traditional recipes. Among them is the mask-cream-balm Baraem Alatfal, which provides active regulation of the lipid layer of problem hair. Being a multifunctional agent, the balm mask has a restorative effect on hair damaged by various dyes and weakened as a result of styling procedures, and also regulates the secretion of sebum, eliminates dandruff and flaking, completely normalizing the skin balance. The balm mask plays the role of a powerful multifunctional agent containing components that have a restorative effect on especially damaged hair due to the weakness of the structure. Baraem Alatfal is used as an express care product in the form of a mask, as well as a 3-in-1 conditioner or styling product. The powerful tonic effect of Dead Sea mud has been used in the Middle East since ancient times. In the mask-balm Baraem Alatfal has a strong regenerating effect on hair loss, excessive oiliness and dandruff. Such side factors appear after dyeing and frequent use of styling products for shaping hairstyles. Natural cosmetic oils that are part of the Baraem Alatfal mask, saturating the hair follicles with valuable nutrients, prevent hair loss, strengthen them and promote the growth of new hair. Mask-balm Baraem Alatfal is an effective and valuable hair cosmetic. It makes them shiny, thick, strong and healthy. Thanks to Baraem Alatfal, the hair is easier to style, maintaining a flawless shape for a longer time. Saturation of the scalp with minerals makes it healthy and clean. The composition of the mask-balm on the Dead Sea Mud Baraem Alatfal * Dead Sea mud, saturated with minerals and sea clay - a key component of the product, providing an excellent stimulating and tonic effect. The mud has a powerful normalizing effect on oily, intoxicated hair and scalp. Nourishing the hair roots with valuable vitamins and microelements, the balm prevents premature hair loss, promotes thickening of their structure. Thanks to its natural properties, the mud sanitizes the scalp, deeply cleansing its pores from particles of sebum, dandruff and dead cells, gradually normalizing to a normal type. * Dandelion root oil and green coffee. In the series of oils for skin and hair, this oil, due to its unique properties, occupies a leading position. Rich in organic acids, vitamins, minerals and glycosides, the oil refreshes and moisturizes the scalp and hair. It relieves dryness, irritation, prevents hair breakage and the appearance of fungal diseases. * Jojoba oil is a powerful ingredient that revitalizes the hair structure. By gluing the exfoliated scales, it restores damaged areas, so that the hair acquires a beautiful, well-groomed appearance and healthy shine. * virgin olive oil. This component is the real secret of the East. The high content of acids vital for the normal functioning of the scalp makes this ingredient one of the most valuable and expensive. Effectively eliminates dandruff scales, thickens the hair shaft, prevents seborrhea. * myrtle oil has a beneficial effect on maintaining the brightness of the color of dyed hair. Normalizing the secretion of sebum, this component eliminates the rapid contamination of the hair, maintains their well-groomed condition and beautiful appearance. In addition to the pronounced cosmetic and medicinal properties, the Baraem Alatfal balm mask, like Arabic perfumes, has an excellent aroma that has a calming effect on the nervous system. Toning the human body, the aroma of the mask relieves the feeling of stress and fatigue. How to use Baraem Alatfal: The mask can be used as a means of express hair care, as well as a conditioning balm and hair styling tool. The mask is recommended to be applied to dry hair for 30 minutes, covered with a bag and a towel on top. Then rinse with natural shampoo 1 time. This method is recommended to be used no more than 1 time per week. Also a classic way: apply to damp hair and scalp, washed with shampoo without lauryl sulfate, using it as a conditioner balm. Keep the balm on the hair for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Can be used daily. Also used as a styling agent to emphasize strands and eliminate frizz and electrolysis. Apply a little mask to dry or damp hair with your hands, style as usual. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of Syrian balms and masks: Nourishment and improvement of the appearance and quality of hair Elimination of problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness Elimination of dandruff Daily use is possible Increase in hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighting Acceleration of growth Leave-in hair styling agent Stunning hair shine Effective nourishing face mask Light protective cream for face and body Make-up removal milk Options for using Bustan Budur brand balms and masks: For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, leave on 5-10 minutes, rinse with water. Some types of conditioners can be rinsed off completely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. For face and body: The balm has an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect. You can enrich it before use with natural virgin oils. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin of the face and d?collet? for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water. Cream is not needed. It is also great to use it as a nourishing cream for hands and feet at night, to get rid of hangnails, rub into the nail area 2-3 times a day. To remove makeup without harm, wash your face with a foam cleanser, then apply a thick layer of balm for several minutes (including the eye area), wipe off with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water. Ingredients: olive and laurel emulsion, Dead Sea mud and salt, oils: olive, rosemary, thyme, myrtle, eucalyptus, ginger root, Madagascar vanilla seed, colorless henna, damask rose, saffron, green coffee, dandelion root milk, wheat germ oil (Triticum vulgare), Vegetable Musk (Nutmeg) Oil, Rice Bran (Oryza sativa), Prickly Pear Seed (Opuntia tuna), Cashew Nuts (Anacardium occidentale), Syrian Snail Mucus, Sterculia Mucus, Natural Silicone (Broccoli Seed Oil), Flax Mucus , natural resin powder of styrax (Styrax benzoin), powder of Moroccan resin of fruit trees, natural resin of white (Humenaea courbaril) and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) resin, Iranian aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis), ginger root hydrolate (Zingiber officinalis), hydrolate damask rose, vegetable ambergris hydrolate, citric acid, succinic acid, vegetable glycerin, processing aids (less than 0.5%). Shelf life and method of storage: 18 months (closed package), 12 months after the package is opened. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Volume: 200 ml Production: Syria/Jordan
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Egyptian warming mask-cream against hair loss on red pepper and shea Madame Roshen "Illuminating", 200 ml Bustan Budur Nourishing, but light composition of the mask allows you to use it several times a week without weighing down your hair. Eliminates hair loss and nourishes the bulbs, restores the hair shaft. The mask perfectly restores blood circulation in the scalp, and hence the nutrition of the hair follicles. This is enhanced by the action of usma leaf oil, which awakens dormant hair follicles and stimulates their growth, and usma seed oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and eliminates dandruff. Chili and usma seeds irritate the scalp, thereby improving blood circulation and promoting more active absorption of the beneficial substances of the cream mask. Enhanced blood circulation better nourishes the hair follicles, respectively, the hair grows better, and the oil of the leaves of usma additionally awakens dormant bulbs to growth. Thanks to this disinfectant composition, dandruff and excessive oiliness of the scalp, which interferes with skin breathing, is eliminated. The contents of the pores are removed, the skin becomes healthier, shiny and hydrated. Sterculia, shea butter and other ingredients care for the hair shaft, smoothing and maintaining its structure day after day, preventing brittleness and dullness, tangling and split ends. Profit - thicker and healthier hair! The composition of the Egyptian warming mask-cream Madame Roshen * Red Chili pepper warms the scalp, increasing blood circulation, and, accordingly, nourishing the hair follicles. Nourishing the hair roots with valuable vitamins and microelements, the balm prevents premature hair loss, promotes thickening of their structure. Thanks to its natural properties, pepper sanitizes the scalp, deeply cleansing its pores from particles of sebum, dandruff and dead cells, gradually normalizing to a normal type. * Usma leaf stimulates dormant hair follicles to grow, and Usma seed oil sanitizes the scalp and cleanses the layer of dead cells. * Sterculia seals split ends and polishes hair. * avocado resin - ideally nourishes any type of hair. * saffron oil, due to its unique properties, occupies a leading position. Rich in organic acids, vitamins, minerals and glycosides, the oil refreshes and moisturizes the scalp and hair. It relieves dryness, irritation, prevents hair breakage and the appearance of fungal diseases. * shea butter revitalizes the hair structure. Restores the smoothness of hair, gluing their frizzy ends and structure, moisturizes the scalp and protects against dehydration. * monoi oil. The high content of acids vital for the normal functioning of the scalp makes this ingredient one of the most valuable and expensive. Monoi oil effectively eliminates dandruff scales, thickens the hair shaft, and prevents seborrhea. * Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on maintaining the brightness of hair color. Normalizing the secretion of sebum, this component eliminates the rapid contamination of the hair, maintains their well-groomed condition and beautiful appearance. In addition to pronounced cosmetic and medicinal properties, the Madame Roshen cream-mask, like Arabic perfumes, has an excellent aroma that has a calming effect on the nervous system. Toning the human body, the aroma of the mask relieves the feeling of stress and fatigue. How to use Madame Roshen: The mask can be used as an express hair care product, as well as a conditioning balm and hair styling product. The mask is recommended to be applied to dry hair for 30 minutes, covered with a bag and a towel on top. Then rinse with natural shampoo 1 time. This method is recommended to be used no more than 1 time per week. Also a classic way: apply to damp hair and scalp, washed with shampoo without lauryl sulfate, using it as a conditioner balm. Keep the balm on the hair for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Can be used daily. Also used as a styling agent to emphasize strands and eliminate frizz and electrolysis. Apply a little mask to dry or damp hair with your hands, style as usual. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of Syrian balms and masks: Nourishing and improving the appearance and quality of hair Eliminating problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, cross sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness Elimination of dandruff Daily use is possible Increase in hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighting Acceleration of growth Leave-in hair styling product Stunning hair shine Effective nourishing face mask Light protective cream for face and body Make-up removal milk Options for using Bustan Budur brand balms and masks: For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, leave on 5-10 minutes, rinse with water. Some types of conditioners can be rinsed off completely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. For face and body: The balm has an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect. You can enrich it before use with natural virgin oils. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin of the face and d?collet? for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water. Cream is not needed. It is also great to use it as a nourishing cream for hands and feet at night, to get rid of hangnails, rub into the nail area 2-3 times a day. To remove makeup without harm, wash your face with a foam cleanser, then apply a thick layer of balm for several minutes (including the eye area), wipe off with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water. Ingredients: olive and bay emulsion, oils: shea, coconut, wheat germ (Triticum vulgare), rice bran (Oryza sativa), camelina seed, macadamia, cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale), monoi, saffron, clover seed, peel oil grapefruit, usma leaf and seed oil, Syrian snail mucus, sterculia mucus, natural silicone (broccoli seed oil), flax mucus, natural styrax (Styrax benzoin) resin powder, avocado seed resin, Moroccan fruit tree resin powder, natural kapal white resin oil (Humenaea courbaril) and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Iranian aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis), ginger root hydrolate (Zingiber officinalis), damask rose hydrolate, chili pepper hydrolate, citric acid, succinic acid, vegetable glycerin, processing aids (less than 0 ,5%). Shelf life and method of storage: 18 months (closed package), 12 months after the package is opened. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Volume: 200 ml Production: Syria/Jordan
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Quantity is limited! HALAL. Bustan Budur. Fast absorbing silk parfait for molecular hair restoration based on mountain honey and desert snail mucus Shallal Alharir "Silk Waterfall" The properties of the composition are designed to ideally care for hair prone to tangling, which are frizzy or poorly styled, have an untidy look. Like all types of brand balms, this balm performs the additional functions of a hair mask, which is designed in situations of excessive hair loss and thinning of the hairline. Free from laurite sulfates, silicones, synthetic preservatives, fragrances and pigments. Combines excellent conditioning properties, smoothes, facilitates styling, adds shine to the fibers without damaging them. It is used for damaged hair, enhances hair growth, strengthens the structure of dry and brittle hair, protects both the hair follicle and the structure of the shaft from damage. In both of these cases, enhanced nutrition is required to gradually restore the health of the hair and ensure its normal functioning. When applying the balm, a high protection of the hair from the negative effects of the sun, salt or chlorinated water is formed. The balm is applied to the hair and is easily distributed, washed off with water, leaving no oily residue. The composition is effective in eliminating dandruff and is an excellent means of preventing its recurrence. The composition saturates the follicles, providing additional vitamin support, which helps to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss. The components of the composition provide an increase in the density of the hairline, due to the acceleration of blood circulation and an increase in oxygen exchange in the cells of the bulbs. Perfectly protects from temperatures, including styling procedures, such as styling, tongs, hair dryer and more. The balm copes with inflammation of a different nature, relieves irritation of the scalp. The Bustan Budur brand uses vegetable saponins in its compositions, natural preservation with natural resins, filling the composition with unrefined oils and plant components, such as powder, leaves, inflorescences and other various parts of plants. The natural composition of Shallal Alharir, like all products of the brand of natural oriental cosmetics, is made in accordance with the HALAL standard, as well as in production, the work of which complies with Muslim standards of hygiene and aesthetics. Shallal Alharir "Silk Waterfall" is an effective tool for wide multifunctional use, along with unique shampoos and creams, and not just a rinse-out hair rinse. The production does not use alcohols, silicones, fragrances and other chemicals used in the industrial production of balms. The whole formula, like the rest, is based on olive emulsion, plant oils, hydrolates and resins, plant powders. All balms and masks are different and individual, each carries a unique composition and individual healing properties. Using balms will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. We recommend using it in combination with natural shampoos. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. The production does not use alcohols, fragrances and other chemicals used in the industrial production of balms. The whole formula, like the rest, is made only from natural ingredients (olive emulsion, oils, plants, hydrolates and resins). All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of balms and masks: * Nutrition and improvement of the appearance and quality of hair * Elimination of problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness * Elimination of dandruff * Daily use is possible * Increasing hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighing down * Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss * Leave-in hair styling agent * Treatment for amazing hair shine * Effective nourishing face mask Options for using balms and masks For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, leave for several minutes to absorb, rinse with water. It can be rinsed off incompletely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm on the palms, rub in hands and run through the hair. Ingredients: olive and bay emulsion of Abu Suttle olives and Laurus nobilis fruit, silk cocoon liquid protein, almond milk proteins, sterculia gel, aloe vera gel, filtered desert snail slime (Sphincterochila boissieri), oils: black Ethiopian and Syrian cumin, pomegranate seed oil (Punica granatum L), mountain honey, flower wax, macadamia oil (Macadamia integrifolia), jojoba wax (Jojoba), rice bran powder (Oryza glaberrima), almond milk (Prunus dulcis), yarrow hydrolate (Achillea millefolium), White Soaproot (Saponaria), Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) Peel Oil, Avocado (Persea americana) Fruit Pulp Oil, Natural Gum Powder (Styrax benzoin), Bay Leaf (Pimenta Racemosa) Hydrolate, Watermelon Seed Hydrolate ( Citrullus vulgaris), oil-resin of the Zanzibar copal. Manufacturer: LAMA Manufacture, Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida Volume: 200 gr. Period and method of storage: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 10 months. Storage should be stored in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
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Bustan Budur Silk-mask with pink wax, snake venom and lamination of broccoli to restore the structure and protect hair from damage and against hair loss Laylatan Warudia "Night of Roses", 200 g This is a protective balm-mask, indispensable for those who use daily hot styling methods. Every day, the hair will only get prettier, because the composition of oils and resins is chosen so that the components are activated by elevated temperature! And cobra fat and its venom activate hair growth, awakening frozen bulbs to life. Also try this balm as a lightweight leave-in treatment or styling product. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. The production does not use alcohols, fragrances and other chemicals used in the industrial production of balms. The whole formula, like the rest, is made only from natural ingredients (olive emulsion, oils, plants, hydrolates and resins). All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of balms and masks: * Nutrition and improvement of the appearance and quality of hair * Elimination of problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness * Elimination of dandruff * Daily use is possible * Increasing hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighing it down * Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss * Leave-in hair styling agent * Stunning hair shine treatment * Powerful nourishing face mask * Lightly protective cream for face and body * Make-up remover milk Options for balms and masks For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, soak for a few minutes, rinse with water. It can be rinsed off incompletely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. Ingredients: olive-laurel emulsion, sterculia gel, aloe vera gel, liquid silk and collagen of silk cocoons, oil and mucus of flax seeds, oils: broccoli seeds (biolamination), macadamia nut, rose seeds, oils: Ethiopian and Syrian black cumin, pomegranate seed oil (Punica granatum L), rose damask wax, floral wax, macadamia oil, jojoba wax, rice bran powder, almond milk, damask rose hydrolate, grapefruit peel oil, avocado fruit pulp oil, moringa seed, snake venom (Naja oxiana ) cosmetic dose, snake fat (Naja oxiana), jojoba wax, nettle, thistle and olive tree leaf juice, dried almond milk (collagen), pomegranate seed oil, white soap root, broccoli seed hydrolate, wild yarrow hydrolate, vegetable ambergris, powder natural galbanum resin (Ferula galbaniflua). Manufacturer: LAMA Manufacture, Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida Volume: 200 gr Shelf life and method: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 12 months. Storage should be stored in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
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Persian cream-balm for hair with musk and oriental resins SITT INDSHI "Precious Pearl", 200 ml The name SITT INDSHI "Precious Pearl", a real gem in a bottle! Every woman dreams of perfectly smooth hair that flows like waves of the sea. In a modern hairstyle and the image of a well-groomed girl, the perfect smoothness of the hair plays a big role. The formulation properties of this product are designed for deep action in the treatment of dry and overly vulnerable hair, which tends to react to lack of smoothness with brittleness when brushed. The concept of "smoothness" means straightening the hair along the length, due to the alignment of the structure. For straight or slightly curly hair, perfect smoothness and a flowing beauty are achieved that are truly mesmerizing. Also, the shampoo will bring many pleasant moments to the owners of naturally straight hair, it makes them even smoother - one to one - and contributes to the perfect shine and gloss. At the same time, the hair does not weigh down and remains lush and light without any plaque on the surface. Already after the first use, elasticity, smoothness, silkiness and healthy shine return to the hair. As well as all types of brand balms, this balm performs the additional functions of a hair mask, which saturates the bulbs with additional nutrients. SITT INDSHI combines the functions of a mask that acts as a therapeutic agent, deeply nourishing and moisturizing the cells, provides an increase in blood supply to the cells and the formation of an excellent oxygen exchange, the whole complex provides hair volume, excellent cleansing and excellent activity of the hairline. When applying the balm, a high protection of the hair from the negative effects of the sun, salt or chlorinated water is formed. And also the balm protects the structure from the effects of styling products, such as tongs, curlers and straighteners, prevents the penetration of synthetic components into the hair structure, which are part of varnishes, foams and other types of styling products. The balm is applied to the hair and is easily distributed, washed off with water, leaving no oily residue. The composition is effective in eliminating dandruff and is an excellent means of preventing its recurrence. The brand uses vegetable saponins in its compositions, natural preservation with natural resins, filling the composition with unrefined oils and plant components, such as powder, leaves, inflorescences and other various parts of plants. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of balms and masks: * Nutrition and improvement of the appearance and quality of hair * Elimination of problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness * Elimination of dandruff * Daily use is possible * Increasing hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighing it down * Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss * Leave-in hair styling agent * Stunning hair shine treatment * Powerful nourishing face mask * Lightly protective cream for face and body * Make-up remover milk Options for balms and masks For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, soak for 5-10 minutes, rinse with water. Some types of conditioners can be rinsed off completely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. For face and body: The balm has an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect. You can enrich it before use with natural virgin oils. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin of the face and d?collet? for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water. Cream is not needed. It is also great to use it as a nourishing cream for hands and feet at night, to get rid of hangnails, rub into the nail area 2-3 times a day. To remove makeup without harm, wash your face with a foam cleanser, then apply a thick layer of balm for several minutes (including the eye area), wipe off with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water. Ingredients: olive and bay emulsion, oils: sesame, pistachio, ginger root, Madagascar vanilla seed (Vanilla planifolia), cornflower (Centaurea cyanusy), magnolia flowers (Magnolia liliiflora), cedar nut (Cedrus atlantica), mountain savory (Satureja montana) seeds ), geranium flowers (Pelargonium graveolens), wheat germ (Triticum vulgare), vegetable musk oil (nutmeg), rice bran (Oryza sativa), prickly pear seeds (Opuntia tuna), lotus seed (Nelumbo nucifera), cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale ), Syrian snail mucus, sterculia mucus, natural silicone (broccoli seed oil), flax mucus, ginger extract, natural styrax (Styrax benzoin) resin powder, Moroccan fruit tree resin powder, white capal (Humenaea courbaril) and myrrh natural resin oil ( Commiphora myrrha), Iranian aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis), ginger root hydrolate (Zingiber officinalis), Abassinian katran seed hydrolate (Crambe abyssinica), vegetable ambergris hydrolate, citric acid, succinic acid, vegetable glycerin, processing aids. Shake when using! Volume: 200 ml Shelf life: 24 months Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 15 months. The production date is indicated on the packaging. Production: Syria
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HALAL Bustan Budur Cream for weak hair with Turkish cumin and silk proteins on flax slime and Swa Rbina sterculia gel Dancing Together, 200 ml. Oriental cosmetics offers effective natural complexes for therapeutic care of damaged hair. After all, hair for an oriental woman is not only an ornament, but also a method of seduction. A specially selected natural cream conditioner for brittle and split hair becomes part of the recipe for a beautiful and healthy hairstyle. You can enhance the healing effect with a natural shampoo without lauryl sulfate. The product is suitable for men and women. Regular use of a cream conditioner negates the negative effects of styling products, thermal styling devices, as well as a hair dryer, sea or chlorinated water, and ultraviolet rays. The product contains life-giving components that return healthy shine, elasticity, softness to brittle and split hair. Touching them is like silk, and the delicate aroma of incense will accompany you with a light mysterious flair. The composition of the cosmetic product: * Olive emulsion is a real vitamin bomb, and in addition, this component has a strong antioxidant effect and becomes a natural shield against the harmful effects of the environment * Flax mucus and sterculia are hair-restoring components that eliminate split ends and damage to the structure. * Silk proteins fill the voids in the hair structure, turning them into silk threads. * Macadamia nut oil is a storehouse of trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. * Peppermint hydrolat - often used in natural cosmetics to give the product a pronounced refreshing effect. * Shea butter is a well-known way to give hair vitality. Deep hair nutrition is impossible without this multivitamin component. * Sesame powder strengthens hair * Caraway seeds contain components that regulate the natural fat secretion of the scalp - the hair stays fresh longer, and also moisturizes dry skin, fights the manifestations of psoriasis, eczema, allergies, inflammation. Effectively restore hair, prevents hair loss. * Broccoli seeds (natural silicone) moisturize the scalp, restore brittle, split hair, after perm, bleaching. * Cashew seeds restore hair elasticity, moisturize dry scalp. * Usma seeds not only effectively restore the natural structure of the hair, but also accelerate their growth How to use: As a rinse: Use on wet hair. For greater effectiveness, use a therapeutic natural shampoo without lauryl sulfate when washing your hair. Masks and hair balms from natural ingredients can be selected from the Oriental cosmetics catalog at the Secret of the East. rf. Perform a light massage, rubbing the cream rinse into the scalp, spread it over the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the ends. After 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water. As a mask: Natural hair conditioner cream consists only of natural ingredients. This is the case when natural cosmetics becomes a multi-purpose tool. Use as a mask: apply the product to dry hair, distribute evenly from the roots and ends. Be sure to wrap your head with a terry towel or put on a warming cap. Leave the composition on the hair for 20-90 minutes depending on the condition of the hair and personal preferences. Rinse with warm water and gently blot any remaining moisture. As a styling cream: Apply to dry ends of split ends. Do not rinse, style as usual. Natural cosmetics are distinguished not only by their effectiveness, but also by their gentle effect on the hair. Ingredients: olive and bay emulsion of Abu-Suttle olives and noble laurel fruits (Laurus nobilis), flax seed emulsion, black cumin seed oil, grated cumin mass, cashew nut oil, shea butter, coconut oil, sterculia water gel, aloe vera gel , silk cocoon protein, almond milk, sesame seed powder, white copal powder, peppermint hydrolate, oliban hydrolate, oils: argan (Argania spinosa L.), macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia), oil of usma leaves and usma seeds, broccoli seeds (Brassica oleracea italica), water-soluble fruit gum powder, citric acid, succinic acid, vegetable glycerin, lavender, rose, thyme and cornflower essential oils, processing aids. Shelf life and method of storage: 24 months (closed package), 15 months after the package is opened. The required storage mode is a cool place where the sun's rays do not fall. Manufacturer: Syria. Volume: 200 ml.
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HALAL. Bustan Budur Rinse-off liquid silk-hair impregnation with the effect of cardinal restoration with vegetable amber and snail mucus Omaima "Enchanting", 200 gr The rich composition of the balm-mask for hair will restore any hair to the state of liquid silk. Ambergris is the strongest ingredient for repairing damaged hair and skin cells. Quickly saturates cells with valuable lipids, amino acids, vitamins, activating the processes of their growth and regeneration. Provides ideal hair condition, gives strength, shine, healthy look and pronounced volume. Relieves irritation of the scalp, inflammation, itching, dandruff. Neutralizes the harmful effects of external factors (UV rays, water, smog). Intensively moisturizes, strengthens and polishes fragile, damaged hair. Sterculia gel and snail mucus effectively restore the hair shaft. Nourishes the hair roots and cares for the entire length of the hair. Crab chitosan returns firmness and elasticity. Avocado oil has an excellent effect on dry damaged hair, and restores softness, shine and elasticity to the hair. Jojoba oil fills the damaged areas of the hair shaft, strengthens and improves its structure, and prevents brittleness. Macadamia oil adds shine and volume to hair. Protects hair from UV rays and thermal effects of a hair dryer. Olive wax thickens the hair and retains moisture in the hair ducts for a long time. Usnea beardoid powder has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used as a natural preservative of the composition, along with styrax powder. Effective for the treatment and prevention of seborrhea and other various skin infections of the head and hair. Aloe vera hydrosol restores damaged and very dry hair to life. Intensively moisturizes and nourishes hair. Olive emulsion - a completely natural base of the balm, provides not only an excellent conductive effect of the nutritional components of the composition, but also has its own high healing properties. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the bulbs and scalp. Provides cells with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is a good prevention of fungal diseases. Sumatran Styrax Natural Resin Powder is a unique ingredient that the company uses alongside other resin oil and powder options. The use of natural resins allows you to refuse the use of any preservatives in the composition. These options for preserving compositions have been used in the East for thousands of years, and in production the secrets of their use are of particular importance. Styrax resin powder protects the oils in the composition from oxidation, and also reliably protects the composition from the appearance of bacteria. In addition, Sumatran styrax resin is a powerful remedy that is effective for various diseases of the scalp. Relieves skin inflammation, promotes healing of lesions. Eliminates flaking of the scalp, and also stimulates blood circulation. Also, the use of Sumatran styrax resin powder helps to cope with mental and emotional problems - anxiety, loneliness and sadness. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps with depression and stress. And also styrax is a strong aphrodisiac. Directions for use: Apply a small amount to the hair after shampooing, hold until absorbed (several minutes), rinse with water. For medicinal purposes, apply the balm to the roots and the entire length of the hair in a small amount, before washing the hair. The balm is applied to dry hair. The procedure is accompanied by a massage, wrapped for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with a small amount of natural shampoo, 2 times. To increase volume and facilitate combing, as well as to give an ideal look to the hair, apply to the entire length of the hair, spread over the entire surface of the hair immediately after shampooing. It is aged from 5 to 15 minutes. Washes off with running water. For severely damaged ends of the hair, a small amount of balm is rubbed in the palms and carried over the damaged ends before combing. The procedure is done on wet after washing or on dry hair, it is not washed off until the next hair wash with shampoo. For curly and curly hair, you can put a small amount of balm on your palms and shake the strands of curls with your hands, do it on dry hair, wait for it to dry completely, then comb it, or leave curls fixed with balm. Ingredients: olive emulsion, liquid silk cocoon protein, pomegranate seed oil, broccoli seed oil (biolamination), aloe vera gel, vegetable ambergris seed oil, macadamia oil, jojoba fruit oil, rice bran powder, usnea verruciformis powder, yarrow hydrolate, oil nettle leaf, burdock root oil, wheat germ oil, sterculia gel, natural olive wax, jojoba fruit wax, cedar nut oil, tomato seed oil, licorice root oil, almond milk powder, clary sage oil, avocado pulp oil, leaf hydrolate bearberry, crab shell chitosan (powder), helba seed powder, mucus of the desert snail Sphincterochila boissieri, flax capitate mucus, oriental cornflower seed oil, extract of leaves and seeds of musk Abelmoschus moschatus, vegetable musk wax, amber powder, witch hazel hydrolate, natural resin powder myrrh Commiphora myrrha. Manufacturer: LAMA Manufacture, Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida Country: Syria. Volume: 200 gr. Storage: in a dark place, do not leave in direct sunlight.
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Moroccan balm-oil for the perfect look of hair with argan Sitt Gulnara "Pomegranate Flower", 200 ml The name SITT GULNARA has a wonderful meaning - "Pomegranate Flower", a traditional image for the East, reflecting the true beauty of a girl. Thick and rich hair conditioner balm highly affects the change and improvement of the hair structure. The main function is restoration, smoothing and compaction of the structure, increased growth and awakening of dormant bulbs. Hair becomes dense and resistant even to the strong influence of coloring substances. When creating the SITT GULNARA conditioner-mask concept, we took into account the need of many people for a composition that helps to cope with the problem of fine structure and a tendency to breakage of the hair. The properties of the composition are intended for hair that suffers from adverse environmental factors, is depleted, the structure of which is disturbed due to aggressive dyeing, frequent styling, possible miscalculations in the details of dyeing and other procedures. As well as all types of balms, this balm performs the additional functions of a hair mask, which saturates the hair follicles with additional nutrients. SITT GULNARA combines the functions of a mask, the composition of which is an excellent antioxidant, it protects the hair shaft and improves the appearance. The components of the composition restore the level of hydration of the hair and facilitate combing. When applying the balm, a high protection of the hair from the negative effects of the sun, salt or chlorinated water is formed. And also the balm protects the structure from the effects of styling products, tongs, curling and straightening, prevents the penetration of synthetic components into the hair structure, which are part of varnishes, foams and other types of styling products. The active ingredients act as a therapeutic agent, deeply nourishing and moisturizing the hair roots, providing an increase in blood supply to the cells and the formation of an excellent oxygen exchange. The balm is applied to the hair and is easily distributed, washed off with water, leaving no oily residue. The composition is effective in eliminating dandruff and is an excellent means of preventing its recurrence. Using our Bustan Budur brand balms will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. We recommend using it in combination with natural shampoos from the Bustan Budur brand, which ideally complement and enhance the effect of balms. How to use Sitt Gulnara: Mask-balm can be used as a means of express hair care, as well as a balm-conditioner and hair styling tool. The balm is recommended to be applied to dry hair for 30 minutes, covered with a bag and a towel on top. Then rinse with natural shampoo 1 time. This method is recommended to be used no more than 1 time per week. Also a classic way: apply to damp hair and scalp, washed with shampoo without lauryl sulfate, using it as a conditioner balm. Keep the balm on the hair for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Can be used daily. Also used as a styling agent to emphasize strands and eliminate frizz and electrolysis. Apply a little mask to dry or damp hair with your hands, style as usual. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of Syrian balms and masks: Nourishing and improving the appearance and quality of hair Eliminating problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, cross sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness Elimination of dandruff Daily use is possible Increase in hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighting Acceleration of growth Leave-in hair styling product Stunning hair shine Effective nourishing face mask Light protective cream for face and body Make-up removal milk Options for using Bustan Budur brand balms and masks: For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, leave on 5-10 minutes, rinse with water. Some types of conditioners can be rinsed off completely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. For face and body: The balm has an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect. You can enrich it before use with natural virgin oils. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin of the face and d?collet? for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water. Cream is not needed. It is also great to use it as a nourishing cream for hands and feet at night, to get rid of hangnails, rub into the nail area 2-3 times a day. To remove makeup without harm, wash your face with a foam cleanser, then apply a thick layer of balm for several minutes (including the eye area), wipe off with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water. Ingredients: olive and laurel emulsion, oils: Moroccan argan oil, Syrian olive oil, coconut oil, gardenia seed, Madagascar vanilla seed, colorless henna, dandelion root milk, wheat germ oil (Triticum vulgare), pomegranate seed oil, muru-muru seed oil, rice bran (Oryza sativa), prickly pear seed (Opuntia tuna), shea butter, Syrian snail mucus, sterculia mucus, natural silicone (broccoli seed oil), flax mucus, natural styrax (Styrax benzoin) resin powder, Moroccan fruit tree resin powder, natural oil white (Humenaea courbaril) and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) resins, Iranian aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis), ginger root hydrolate (Zingiber officinalis), gardenia hydrolate, vegetable ambergris hydrolate, citric acid, succinic acid, vegetable glycerin, processing aids ( less than 0.5%). Shelf life and method of storage: 18 months (closed package), 12 months after the package is opened. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Volume: 200 ml Production: Syria/Morocco Cool balm! Jewel in composition. I really liked it both as a balm and as a styling product.
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HALAL. Amber hair silk "NATURAL LAMINATION" with rose and broccoli silicone Ylamae "Shine", 200 ml Used for damaged hair, enhances hair growth, strengthens the structure of dry and brittle hair, protects both the hair follicle and the structure of the shaft from damage. In both of these cases, enhanced nutrition is required to gradually restore the health of the hair and ensure its normal functioning. When applying the balm, a high protection of the hair from the negative effects of the sun, salt or chlorinated water is formed. The balm is applied to the hair and is easily distributed, washed off with water, leaving no oily residue. The composition is effective in eliminating dandruff and is an excellent means of preventing its recurrence. The composition saturates the follicles, providing additional vitamin support, which helps to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss. The components of the composition provide an increase in the density of the hairline, due to the acceleration of blood circulation and an increase in oxygen exchange in the cells of the bulbs. Perfectly protects from temperatures, including styling procedures, such as styling, tongs, hair dryer and more. The balm copes with inflammation of a different nature, relieves irritation of the scalp. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. The production does not use alcohols, fragrances and other chemicals used in the industrial production of balms. The whole formula, like the rest, is made only from natural ingredients (olive emulsion, oils, plants, hydrolates and resins). All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of balms and masks: * Nutrition and improvement of the appearance and quality of hair * Elimination of problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness * Elimination of dandruff * Daily use is possible * Increasing hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighing it down * Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss * Leave-in hair styling agent * Stunning hair shine treatment * Powerful nourishing face mask * Lightly protective cream for face and body * Make-up remover milk Options for balms and masks For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, soak for a few minutes, rinse with water. It can be rinsed off incompletely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. Ingredients: Olive emulsion, silk cocoon liquid protein, pomegranate seed oil, broccoli seed oil (biolamination), aloe vera gel, ambergris seed oil, macadamia oil, damask rose oil, rose hydrolate, jojoba fruit oil, oils : vegetable natural wheat collagen, castor bean seed, jojoba seed wax, damask rose and cornflower wax, St. thistle, natural resin oil: dripping white (Humenaea courbaril), myrrh (Commiphoramyrrha), Iranian aloe vera juice-gel (Aloebarbadensis). Volume: 200 gr Shelf life: Store at least 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 10 months. Production: LAMA Manufacture, Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida Raw material: Syria.
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HALAL. Bustan Budur. Nut-vanilla composition with ambergris for any hair. Can be used as a leave-in hair treatment or as a light styling mousse. Also suitable as a gentle cream for hands, feet, body balm. Use it daily or in courses - it will be pleasant every day. Quickly absorbed, delicate and fragrant - a real pleasure of life! For real lovers of the sweet life. Balms, masks and conditioners are truly the pearl of our production, along with unique shampoos and creams. It's also a multi-purpose all-body treatment, not just a rinse-off hair rinse. All balms and masks are different and individual, so among the variety, everyone will find a remedy to their liking! It is impossible to advise something “the best”, because all people are different, and there is no universal remedy that everyone likes. You have the opportunity to find your pearl yourself! Using balms in any case will improve the quality of your hair, eliminate hair loss and dandruff. This is a great addition to hair care and treatment and prophylaxis at the same time. Features of balms and masks: * Nutrition and improvement of the appearance and quality of hair * Elimination of problems with hair and scalp: brittleness, sections, fluffiness, dryness or oiliness * Elimination of dandruff * Daily use is possible * Increasing hair volume by restoring the thickness of the hair shaft, without weighing it down * Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss * Leave-in hair styling agent * Stunning hair shine treatment * Powerful nourishing face mask * Lightly protective cream for face and body * Make-up remover milk Options for balms and masks For hair: Apply after washing with natural shampoo, soak for 5-10 minutes, rinse with water. Some types of conditioners can be rinsed off completely (to cloudy water), this will provide additional protection to the hair after drying, and also facilitate hair styling. As a nourishing mask, apply to dry or damp hair before washing, leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with a small amount of natural shampoo. Treatment of dry hair ends: apply a small amount of balm to damp hair after washing (on the lower third of the hair), do not rinse. Hair Styling: Use as a styling protectant before blow-drying or curling, to do this, lubricate the strand with a small amount of balm, or do not rinse it completely after washing. Shine of hair: Apply a little balm or mask on the palms, rub in the hands and run through the hair. For face and body: The balm has an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect. You can enrich it before use with natural virgin oils. Apply it in a thick layer on the skin of the face and d?collet? for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cool water. Cream is not needed. It is also great to use it as a nourishing cream for hands and feet at night, to get rid of hangnails, rub into the nail area 2-3 times a day. To remove makeup without harm, wash your face with a foam cleanser, then apply a thick layer of balm for several minutes (including the eye area), wipe off with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water. Ingredients: olive-laurel emulsion of the Abu-Satl variety, vegetable amber, organic oils: oils: sesame, pistachio, ginger root, Madagascar vanilla seeds (Vanilla planifolia), nut lotus seeds (Nelumbo nucifera), murumuru seeds (Astrocaryum murumuru), seeds shreya (Shorea robusta), cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale), Egyptian snail mucus, sterculia mucus, natural silicone (broccoli seed oil), amber oil, borage (Borago officinalis) leaf powder, flax mucus, ginger extract, natural styrax resin powder ( Styrax benzoin), Moroccan fruit tree resin powder, Abassinian (Crambe abyssinica) seed hydrolate, acacia hydrolate, ambergris hydrolate, citric acid, succinic acid, vegetable glycerin, processing aids. Producer: Syria Volume: 200 ml. Period and method of storage: 20 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 12 months. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
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Unusual in its unique composition. Amla pulp, colorless henna, camel thorn honey, acacia resin, rose and arnica flowers… Lots of rare ingredients here! And all of them are aimed at improving the quality of any hair. If your hair is tired of constant styling and coloring, they want a vacation - pamper them with this remedy! They will thank you for a long time, because the effect of using shampoo is cumulative, that is, when you stop using it, your hair leaves a chic look. Indulge in this uniquely effective treatment and discover your craving for the beautiful Rose of Damascus! Natural shampoo is a special means of natural cosmetics! It's amazingly versatile. The composition contains only natural ingredients, such as direct-pressed oils, powders of herbs, flowers and other parts of plants, hydrosols, resins. There are no extracts in the composition (they are made using chemicals), only ground parts of plants, their juice, strong decoction or hydrolate are used. Any synthetic substances are completely excluded: fragrances, dyes and pigments, sulfates, thickeners, salt, alkali, preservatives. At the same time, the composition is carefully thought out: the shampoo foams well, thoroughly cleanses impurities and is stored for at least 9 months. The soapy qualities of the shampoo are provided only by natural saponins: white and red soap nuts, a decoction of the soap root (red and white). There are no alkalis or soaps in the shampoo. Soap nuts and soap root are the oldest cleansing plants, they are actively used in India and the countries of the East to this day, which ensures the chic quality of women's hair and skin. Nuts are cheap, ubiquitous, and used as a body cleanser, laundry detergent, and house cleaner: they're eco-friendly, non-allergenic, non-polluting, and amazingly effective. And only "thanks" to the Western cosmetic corporations-giants that produce synthetics, in the West, these unique substances, unfortunately, are not very common. In the production of our natural shampoos, water is never used, but only natural hydrosols: this allows the active ingredients to better penetrate the skin and hair, healing them, and also makes the composition even more natural. Hydrosols themselves are active cosmetic liquids, and as part of cosmetic products, they qualitatively improve the formula. The basis of the shampoo is an olive or olive-laurel emulsion. It is a homogeneous mass of olives devoid of oil and also bay oil. It is cooked in a special way and is used as the basis for many Future Plus cosmetics. It has excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties. As the main effective natural preservative in shampoos, as well as other natural cosmetics, resins are used - resin oil and resin powders. These are not only effective antiseptics, but also a unique natural lifting! Also, many plants and hydrolat compositions have antiseptic properties. The formulas are created in such a way that the composition of the product always contains components with an antiseptic effect. This provides a fantastic extension of the shelf life of a cream or shampoo - up to 15 months in a cool place Natural shampoo is used as: Gel for washing body and intimate hygiene * An indispensable product for washing children from birth * Manicure and pedicure product * Additive to any face and hair masks to improve rinsing and increase nutritional properties Methods for using natural shampoo: To wash hair: Apply to thoroughly moistened hair with a little shampoo diluted with water (for 2 tbsp of shampoo 13 cups of water), massage, leave for 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. 1 lathering is enough, you can use it daily, it is only good for your hair. Use with or without natural conditioner. Switching to a natural shampoo normalizes any hair - oily or dry, eliminates dandruff, stops hair loss, gives strength to hair and provides conditions for rapid growth. For body wash: Use as a shower gel, with or without a washcloth. Leave the foam on the body as a mask for a few minutes, rinse with water. Surprisingly effective means of tightening the skin of the body. For washing children: Use from birth as liquid body and hair soap or bathing foam. Can be used daily, but for babies it is recommended once every few days. As a face mask: Apply foam to a moisturized face and d?collet? and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with water and apply a natural cream if desired. This procedure perfectly nourishes the face, thoroughly cleansing the pores and the surface of the skin from dead cells. Continuous use gives a stunning complexion. Additive to masks: add 0.5-1 teaspoon of shampoo to homemade hair and face masks, body wraps. This will improve the consistency, enrich the composition of the masks and improve rinsing. Pedicure and Manicure: Apply shampoo liberally to feet, lathering slightly. Put plastic bags on your feet and put socks on top. An hour later, treat your feet with a hard washcloth or kessa, apply foot cream: the perfect natural pedicure! For hands, use the same pattern. Body Wraps: Adding shampoo to a ready-made herbal wrap will enhance its action and provide an increased therapeutic effect. Ingredients: olive emulsion from Abu-Suttle olives (Olive emulsion), seed and flower oil of damask rose (Rosa damascene), arnica flowers (Arnica Montana), rosewood wood oil (Dalbergia decipularis), resin of acacia seed (Acacia dealbata), Camel Thorn (Alhagi) Flower Honey, Amla Fruit Pulp (Emblica officinalis), Avocado Pulp Oil (Persea Americana), White Soap Root Powder (Gypsophila), Sapindus Tree Soap Nut Decoction, Colorless Henna Oil, Hibiscus Flower Hydrolate ( Hibiscus sabdariffa), styrax natural resin powder (Styrax L.), Omani incense resin powder (Boswellia carteri). Shake when using! Contains a layer of living plants Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 10 months. Production: Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida
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An effective laurel shampoo with a rich composition. Suitable for long hair that needs to be thick. Actively nourishes the hair follicle, strengthening it and preventing its loss. Aligns the structure of the hair after damage associated with the use of technical means of curling irons, curlers, hair dryers. The use of shampoo will allow thin hair to thicken and gain the necessary volume. The oils included in the composition nourish and protect the hair from exposure to sunlight and chlorine water. Specially designed to cleanse hair from dandruff and itching, excessive oily hair. The use of shampoo for colored hair, as well as for hair that is dyed with henna and basma, is shown. It is also used in the form of a face mask both in its pure form and as an additive to other face masks. Such a mask will help to cleanse the skin well, while not damaging the skin, heal and remove inflammation, narrow enlarged pores. For the body as a shower gel or therapeutic applications on the affected areas. It has a strong healing effect, promotes active regeneration of skin cells. For daily use and use for treatment courses. For facial skin care, it is especially indicated for problematic and inflammatory skin, as well as skin prone to capillary dilation, and also as an effective remedy for the treatment of various manifestations of skin dermatitis. It is added to face masks or used in its pure form as an application for facial skin care. For masks, any other products are added to it, including fatty oils. Ideal for both women and men. It is used in courses for the treatment and rapid restoration of hair or for preventive daily use. The use of natural shampoo. Our Shampoos are not just hair washing products, they are multifunctional care and beauty products for the whole body. They are perfectly mixed with various enriching components and turn into a whole arsenal of beauty! For hair: Apply to damp hair, lather and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with water and apply a natural conditioner. During exposure, the shampoo gently dissolves impurities, and the oils nourish the hair and scalp. For the face: use as a cleanser and make-up remover. As a mask for problematic skin (you can add bailun or ghassoul clay, facial oil blends, powder masks), soak the emulsion for 5-15 minutes. The product perfectly cleanses the skin, draws out impurities and does not break the lipid film, as it does not contain soap. For the shower: it is successfully used as a natural, highly effective shower gel, also for irritated skin, for intimate hygiene and for washing children. Scrub base: add any scrub, herbal mask, ground coffee, body wrap and other scrubbing substances to the shampoo. The resulting scrub for the body and face is superbly applied, works great, rinses off perfectly. The skin before and after it does not require additional cleansing - apply only cream. Additive to masks for face, hair, body - 1 teaspoon of shampoo per mask. The additive improves application and rinsing, promotes better penetration of the active ingredients of the mask into the skin and hair, enriches the active composition. Intensive softening of rough skin: apply shampoo in its pure form on the skin of the feet, hands, elbows and put on polyethylene and cotton gloves. After 0.5-1 hour, the skin will soften and it will be easy to remove it with a pumice stone, a brush or a special tool. Ingredients: olive emulsion from Abu Sattle olives, argan oil (Argania spinosa L.), walnut powder, Moroccan volcanic gassoul clay (Rhassoul), Syrian red bailun clay, Arabian marine sedimentary clay, Indian multani mitti clay, seed oil Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Lemongrass (Cymbopogon) Oil, Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Oil, Ginger Root Ash (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) Seed and Peel Oil, Opuntia Microdasys Cactus Seed Oil, white and red soap root (Saponaria officinalis), laurel oil (Laurus nobilis), sage (Salvia officinalis) hydrolate, bay leaf liquid concentrate, gum arabic (Acacia Gum), resin of ferula gummosa (Ferula gummosa), resin of Sumatran styrax (Styrax). Shake when using! Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months. After the packaging of the bottle is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 10 months Production: Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida.
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Eliminates the effect of greasy roots and dry ends, as well as unkempt hair. An additional natural composition saturates the hair with moisture, smoothes the hair structure, glues the damaged particles of the keratin layer, making the hair ideal for styling, healthy and strong. Repairs even the most damaged hair. Like all natural shampoos, it does not contain surfactants and similar synthetic components that are not natural. Foaming and excellent healing properties are provided by traditional herbal ingredients. How to use: To wash hair: Apply to thoroughly damp hair, massage, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. 1 lathering is enough, you can use it daily, it is only good for your hair. Use with or without natural conditioner. The transition to a natural remedy normalizes any hair - oily or dry, eliminates dandruff, stops hair loss, gives strength to hair and provides conditions for rapid growth. For body wash: Use as a shower gel, with or without a washcloth. Leave the foam on the body as a mask for a few minutes, rinse with water. Surprisingly effective means of tightening the skin of the body. For washing children: Use from birth as liquid body and hair soap or bathing foam. Can be used daily, but for babies it is recommended once every few days. As a face mask: Apply foam to a moisturized face and d?collet? and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse with water and apply a natural cream if desired. This procedure perfectly nourishes the face, thoroughly cleansing the pores and the surface of the skin from dead cells. Continuous use gives a stunning complexion. Make-up removal: Apply undiluted product to the face, and after 30 seconds, slightly moisturize the skin. Lather with your hands or sponge, rinse off the foam. Repeat if necessary. Additive to masks: add 0.5-1 teaspoon of the product to homemade hair and face masks, body wraps. This will improve the consistency, enrich the composition of the masks and improve rinsing. Pedicure and Manicure: Apply shampoo liberally to feet, lathering slightly. Put plastic bags on your feet and put socks on top. An hour later, treat your feet with a hard washcloth or kessa, apply foot cream: the perfect natural pedicure! For hands, use the same pattern. Body Wraps: Adding shampoo to a ready-made herbal wrap will enhance its action and provide an increased therapeutic effect. For men: It is used as a means for daily care of men's skin: shampoo, shower gel, shaving, face wash. Ingredients: olive emulsion (Olive emulsion), amber seed oil and powder (Cistus ladaniferus), vegetable musk oil (Abelmoschus moschatus), peruvian balsam resin (Myroxylon balsamum), coffee oil, dragon tree resin, ginger root oil (Zingiber officinale) , pistachio (Pistacia lentiscus) oil, savory (Satureja montana) seed oil, wheat germ (Triticum vulgare) oil, flax (Linum usitatissimum) seed oil and mucilage, Persian Aloe vera gel, broccoli (Brassica oleracea) seed oil and hydrolate italica), ivy hydrolat (Hedera helix), Yemeni myrrh resin hydrolate (Myrrah), white soap root powder (Gypsophila), powder of natural resins of styrax (Styrax L.), natural resin powder of Omani incense (Boswellia carteri). Shake when using! Contains a layer of living plants. Volume: 200 ml Shelf life: 18 months Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 12 months. Production: Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida
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The shampoo is designed to cleanse the hair and scalp. In the modern city, there are too many atmospheric substances that settle on the hair and scalp, react with the secretion of the skin and cause deterioration of the hair and scalp, lead to pollution of the skin and clogged pores. Due to the high concentration of active natural ingredients, the shampoo quickly eliminates dandruff, blocks hair loss, nourishes and strengthens the bulbs. Refreshes and revitalizes tired and dull hair. The shampoo is effective against baldness, which develops with hereditary predisposition, typical for both men and women, and is also used for brittle hair with a tendency to fall out. The oils included in the composition stimulate microcirculation, accelerate regenerative processes. Lemon balm oil leaves the procedure with pleasant sensations of freshness, vitality, this effect will appeal to both women and men. Additional components perfectly moisturize and nourish the hair, taking care of the evenness of the structure of the keratin layer of the hair. The use of shampoo renews the supply of hair follicles with nutrients, increases the oxygen saturation of the follicles. The shampoo has additional aromatherapy properties, perfectly tones the nervous system, bringing vivacity and activity, energy and a harmonious way out of possible stressful situations into life. Shampoo gives fine and tired hair a wonderful volume, vitality and at the same time takes care of elasticity and ease of combing and styling. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the ingredients of the shampoo saturate the hair with substances that fight the dullness of the hair color. When using you will notice a bright shining shine in the hair, every hair glows. This makes the hair especially beautiful and healthy. How to use: Apply a small amount of shampoo to the scalp and hair, make a light massage. Apply shampoo to well-moisturized hair, spreading over the entire length of the hair, leave for 10 minutes. The shampoo acts as a therapeutic hair mask, which is why such a longer exposure time has an additional therapeutic effect on the hair. Shampoo can also be used as a face mask for problematic facial skin, acute inflammation or a tendency to irritation. For application as a mask, leave a small amount of shampoo emulsion in the form of an application, in pure form or with any additives that you would like to add to your mask, the exposure time is not less than 10-15 minutes. Also suitable for washing problematic and irritated skin of the face and body, in the form of a cleanser, applying a small amount to the hands and washing off the composition, apply to the skin of the face or body, leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse with running water. Perfectly shows itself on the skin of the body, can be used as a refreshing and invigorating shower gel, does not dry the skin, cleanses and moisturizes well. Suitable for use by women and men. For daily use. Shake the bottle before use Ingredients: olive emulsion (Olive emulsion), oils: amaranth seed (Amaranthus cruentus), lemon eucalyptus seed (Eucalyptus citriodora), macadamia nut (Macadamia ternifolia), grape seed (Vitis vinifera), pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) , Somali lavender flowers (Lavandula somaliensis Chaytor), oils: cotton seeds (Gossypium herbaceum), mango seeds (Mangifera indica), lemon balm flowers and herbs (Melissa officinalis), purified emu bird fat (Dromaius novaehollandiae), white copal natural resin oil ( Buresera odorata), hydrolat: origanum leaf (Origanum vulgare), powder: white soap root (Gypsophila). Shake when using! Contains a layer of living plants. Volume: 175 ml Shelf life: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 10 months. Production: Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida
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Pure Pose care shampoo with rose oil and rose water with precious resins Rose Hair "Pure Rose for Hair", 250 ml Rose Damask of the Muadamiya region (Syria). Unusual in its unique composition. Avocado pulp, camel thorn honey, acacia resin, rose and arnica flowers... Lots of rare ingredients here! It is recommended to use as a shampoo for daily washing of hair and body. Lather hair and skin with a sponge or hand, massage thoroughly along the massage lines, rinse with water. Lather again if necessary. The tool perfectly removes makeup, cleanses the pores of the skin, eliminates dead cells, promotes skin breathing. After application, use a natural cream. Unusual in its unique composition. Avocado pulp, camel thorn honey, acacia resin, rose and arnica flowers... Lots of rare ingredients here! And all of them are aimed at improving the quality of any hair. If your skin and hair have lost their healthy look - pamper it with this remedy! They will thank you for a long time, because the effect of using the emulsion is cumulative, that is, when you stop using it, the skin and hair leave a chic look for themselves. Indulge in this uniquely effective treatment and discover your craving for the beautiful Rose of Damascus! We present to you a new experimental series of products that will appeal to you: "Pure Pose"! Pure Pose are lightweight emulsions based on ROSE DAMASCA - its flowers, hydrolat and oil, specially developed by Kharnoub Establishment. Their composition is made on the same principle as natural shampoos. It contains only hydrolats, olive-laurel emulsion, plants, herbs and flowers (powders and oils of direct extract), soap root powder, red and white soap nuts, and resin powders. Any synthetic substances are completely excluded: fragrances, dyes and pigments, sulfates, thickeners, salt, alkali, preservatives. The emulsion is a multilayer product that must be shaken before use. The main types of Pure Pose gel emulsion: * Daily hair wash * Cleansing and nourishing hair mask * Cleansing and nourishing face mask * Make-up remover for all types of make-up * Gel for washing body and intimate hygiene * An indispensable product for washing children with birth * Manicure and pedicure product * Additive to any face and hair masks to improve rinsing and increase nutrition * Scrub base How to use the Pure Pose emulsion: To wash hair: Apply emulsion to thoroughly moistened hair, massage, leave for 5 minutes , rinse thoroughly with water. 1 lathering is enough, you can use it daily, it is only good for your hair. Use with or without natural conditioner. Switching to a natural Pure Pose product normalizes any hair - oily or dry, eliminates dandruff, stops hair loss, gives strength to hair and provides conditions for rapid growth. For body wash: Use as a shower gel, with or without a washcloth. Leave the foam on the body as a mask for a few minutes, rinse with water. Surprisingly effective means of tightening the skin of the body. For washing children: Use from birth as liquid body and hair soap or bathing foam. Can be used daily, but for babies it is recommended once every few days. As a face mask: Apply foam to a moisturized face and d?collet? and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse with water and apply a natural cream if desired. This procedure perfectly nourishes the face, thoroughly cleansing the pores and the surface of the skin from dead cells. Continuous use gives a stunning complexion. Make-up removal: Apply undiluted product to the face, and after 30 seconds, slightly moisturize the skin. Lather with your hands or sponge, rinse off the foam. Repeat if necessary. Additive to masks: add 0.5-1 teaspoon of the product to homemade hair and face masks, body wraps. This will improve the consistency, enrich the composition of the masks and improve rinsing. Pedicure and Manicure: Apply the emulsion generously to the feet, lathering slightly. Put plastic bags on your feet and put socks on top. An hour later, treat your feet with a hard washcloth or kessa, apply foot cream: the perfect natural pedicure! For hands, use the same pattern. Body Wraps: Add an emulsion to a ready-made herbal wrap to improve its performance and provide an increased therapeutic effect. For men: It is used as a means for daily care of men's skin: shampoo, shower gel, shaving, face wash. Oregano and mulberry from An Nabq region (Syria) Natural emulsions Pure Pose is a special product of natural cosmetics! They are amazingly versatile. The composition contains only natural ingredients, such as direct-pressed oils, powders of herbs, flowers and other parts of plants, hydrosols, resins. There are no extracts in the composition (they are made using chemicals), only ground parts of plants, their juice, strong decoction or hydrolate are used. Any synthetic substances are completely excluded: fragrances, dyes and pigments, sulfates, thickeners, salt, alkali, preservatives. At the same time, the composition is carefully thought out: the product foams, thoroughly cleans impurities and is stored for at least 12 months. Soaping qualities are provided only by natural saponins: white and red soap nuts, a decoction of the soap root (red and white). There are no alkalis and soaps in the composition. Soap nuts and soap root are the oldest cleansing plants, they are actively used in India and the countries of the East to this day, which ensures the chic quality of women's hair and skin. Nuts are cheap, ubiquitous, and used as a body cleanser, laundry detergent, and house cleaner: they're eco-friendly, non-allergenic, non-polluting, and amazingly effective. And only "thanks" to the Western cosmetic corporations-giants that produce synthetics, in the West, these unique substances, unfortunately, are not very common. In the production of our natural emulsions and shampoos, water is never used, but only natural hydrosols: this allows the active ingredients to better penetrate the skin and hair, healing them, and also makes the composition even more natural. Hydrosols themselves are active cosmetic liquids, and as part of cosmetic products, they qualitatively improve the formula. The base is an olive or olive-laurel emulsion. It is a homogeneous mass of olives devoid of oil and also bay oil. It is brewed in a special way and used as the basis for many cosmetic products of our production. It has excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties. As the main effective natural preservative in shampoos, as well as other natural cosmetics, resins are used - resin oil and resin powders. These are not only effective antiseptics, but also a unique natural lifting! Also, many plants and hydrolat compositions have antiseptic properties. The formulas are created in such a way that the composition of the product always contains components with an antiseptic effect. This provides a fantastic extension of the shelf life of the cream or shampoo - up to 15 months in a cool place. Ingredients: olive emulsion (Olive emulsion), oils: flowers, seeds and leaves of damascene rose (Rosa damascene), nagarmot flowers (Cyperus rotondus), arnica flowers (Arnica Montana), camel thorn flower honey (Alhagi), damascus rose hydrolate, juice Avocado Pulp (Persea Americana), Acacia Resin Oil (Acacia dealbata), White Soaproot Powder (Gypsophila), Amla Fruit Pulp (Emblica officinalis), Hibiscus Flower Hydrolat (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Omani Frankincense (Boswellia carteri), Natural Styrax Resin Powder (Styrax L.). Shake when using! Contains a layer of living plants The color of the shampoo depends on the raw materials and can be of different shades of yellow and transparency. Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 12 months. Production: Syria.
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Shampoo-milk for particularly capricious and demanding hair with sensual plant amber and argan Mahib "Majestic", 250 ml Syria. 250 ml. For special hair - special care. For scalp prone to allergies, a special approach is needed. The most valuable light oils - tamanu, broccoli, amaranth, evening primrose - eliminate hair problems and strengthen dignity. With regular use, oily and dry scalp, dandruff disappears, hair stops falling out, does not fluff, the problem of cross-section and brittleness disappears. The shampoo is ideal for washing skin prone to allergies. A stunning amber fragrance will give a special oriental flavor and is very beneficial for women's health. Read about the production technology of shampoos and their features in this article. Natural shampoo is a special means of natural cosmetics! It's amazingly versatile. The composition contains only natural ingredients, such as direct-pressed oils, powders of herbs, flowers and other parts of plants, hydrosols, resins. There are no extracts in the composition (they are made using chemicals), only ground parts of plants, their juice, strong decoction or hydrolate are used. Any synthetic substances are completely excluded: fragrances, dyes and pigments, sulfates, thickeners, salt, alkali, preservatives. At the same time, the composition is carefully thought out: the shampoo foams well, thoroughly cleanses impurities and is stored for at least 9 months. The soapy qualities of the shampoo are provided only by natural saponins: white and red soap nuts, a decoction of the soap root (red and white). There are no alkalis or soaps in the shampoo. Soap nuts and soap root are the oldest cleansing plants, they are actively used in India and the countries of the East to this day, which ensures the chic quality of women's hair and skin. Nuts are cheap, ubiquitous, and used as a body cleanser, laundry detergent, and house cleaner: they're eco-friendly, non-allergenic, non-polluting, and amazingly effective. And only "thanks" to the Western cosmetic corporations-giants that produce synthetics, in the West, these unique substances, unfortunately, are not very common. In the production of our natural shampoos, water is never used, but only natural hydrosols: this allows the active ingredients to better penetrate the skin and hair, healing them, and also makes the composition even more natural. Hydrosols themselves are active cosmetic liquids, and as part of cosmetic products, they qualitatively improve the formula. The basis of the shampoo is an olive or olive-laurel emulsion. It is a homogeneous mass of olives devoid of oil and also bay oil. It is cooked in a special way and is used as the basis for many Future Plus cosmetics. It has excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties. As the main effective natural preservative in shampoos, as well as other natural cosmetics, resins are used - resin oil and resin powders. These are not only effective antiseptics, but also a unique natural lifting! Also, many plants and hydrolat compositions have antiseptic properties. The formulas are created in such a way that the composition of the product always contains components with an antiseptic effect. This provides a fantastic extension of the shelf life of a cream or shampoo - up to 15 months in a cool place Natural shampoo is used as: Gel for washing body and intimate hygiene * An indispensable product for washing children from birth * Manicure and pedicure product * Additive to any face and hair masks to improve rinsing and increase nutritional properties Methods for using natural shampoo: To wash hair: Apply to thoroughly moistened hair with a little shampoo diluted with water (for 2 tbsp of shampoo 13 cups of water), massage, leave for 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. 1 lathering is enough, you can use it daily, it is only good for your hair. Use with or without natural conditioner. Switching to a natural shampoo normalizes any hair - oily or dry, eliminates dandruff, stops hair loss, gives strength to hair and provides conditions for rapid growth. For body wash: Use as a shower gel, with or without a washcloth. Leave the foam on the body as a mask for a few minutes, rinse with water. Surprisingly effective means of tightening the skin of the body. For washing children: Use from birth as liquid body and hair soap or bathing foam. Can be used daily, but for babies it is recommended once every few days. As a face mask: Apply foam to a moisturized face and d?collet? and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with water and apply a natural cream if desired. This procedure perfectly nourishes the face, thoroughly cleansing the pores and the surface of the skin from dead cells. Continuous use gives a stunning complexion. Additive to masks: add 0.5-1 teaspoon of shampoo to homemade hair and face masks, body wraps. This will improve the consistency, enrich the composition of the masks and improve rinsing. Pedicure and Manicure: Apply shampoo liberally to feet, lathering slightly. Put plastic bags on your feet and put socks on top. An hour later, treat your feet with a hard washcloth or kessa, apply foot cream: the perfect natural pedicure! For hands, use the same pattern. Body Wraps: Adding shampoo to a ready-made herbal wrap will enhance its action and provide an increased therapeutic effect. Ingredients: olive emulsion (Olive emulsion), oils: cistus (ambergris) seed (Cistus salviifolius), evening primrose seed (Oenothera biennis), amaranth seed (Amaranthus cruentus), wheat germ (Triticum vulgare), wheat germ milk, oils: Cucumber Seed (Cucumis Sativa), Tamanu Nut (Calophyllum inophyllum), Castor Bean Seed (Ricinus communis), Argan Oil, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii) Pulp, Hydrolate: Tomato Seed (Lycopersicon esculentum), Olive Wax, White Soaproot (Radices Saponariae), powder: natural resin of Sumatran myrrh (Commiphora myrrha). Shake when using! Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 12 months. Production: Syria, Damascus.
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Brittle and damaged hair always looks unhealthy. They need emergency treatment and volume. Shampoo quickly restores the health of such hair, making it strong and voluminous. Ingredients: Rose oil glues the scales of the stratum corneum of damaged hair, smoothes and evens out their structure. It also visibly lifts the hair from the roots and increases its volume along the entire length without weighing it down. Honey myrtle leaf oil makes hair supple and shiny. Marigold petal oil protects hair, reduces damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. Watermelon seed oil - strengthens and restores hair, gives it hydration and protects against moisture loss. Bergamot peel powder additionally tones and improves the appearance of hair, making it easier to comb and style. It is one of the healing elements when using Bint Amer shampoo in the form of a hair mask. It has a high therapeutic effect on the hair fibers when they are damaged during dyeing. Ylang Ylang Flower Hydrolate preserves the natural elasticity of the hair, making it bouncy. White soap root is a plant component that allows you to completely abandon aggressive European surfactants, softer surfactants, or even soda (alkali). White soap root contributes to the formation of a soft, gentle foam, which is great for washing even the most heavily soiled hair. Also, the root has an excellent smoothing effect on porous hair and highly effective conditioning. Algae powder (fucus, ascophyllum and kelp). In addition to its moisturizing and antibacterial properties, seaweed powder contains a huge amount of nutrients and antioxidants. Seaweed enzymes can help prevent dandruff, stimulate hair growth, and keep hair hydrated. Kapal white natural resin oil is a unique component that is used in the East for the preservation of formulations containing oils. The use of such traditional technology allows the East Magic Company to refuse the use of aggressive European preservatives. Dripping oil, like many other resin oils, is an excellent antibacterial component that does not allow the composition to deteriorate for a long time. In addition, resins protect the scalp from damage and fungal infections. Improve blood circulation. It is a strong aphrodisiac, fights fatigue and stress. Psycho - emotional impact of the aroma of the mixture of shampoo oils: The calming effect of the aroma is quite clearly manifested, which makes it possible to use the shampoo in case of overwork, nervous excitability and stress. It is also healing for fatigue after a working day, helps to remove fussy thoughts from the head and calms emotions. How to use: Apply a small amount of shampoo to the scalp and hair, make a light massage, lather. Shampoo is applied to well-moisturized hair, spreading over the entire length of the hair, leave for 10 minutes. The shampoo acts as a therapeutic hair mask, which is why such a longer exposure time has an additional therapeutic effect on the hair. Shampoo can also be used as a face mask for problematic facial skin, acute inflammation or a tendency to irritation. For application as a mask, leave a small amount of shampoo emulsion in the form of an application, in pure form or with any additives that you would like to add to your mask, the exposure time is not less than 10-15 minutes. Also suitable for washing problematic and irritated skin of the face and body, in the form of a cleanser, applying a small amount to the hands and washing off the composition, apply to the skin of the face or body, leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse with running water. Perfectly shows itself on the skin of the body, can be used as a refreshing and invigorating shower gel, does not dry the skin, cleanses and moisturizes well. Suitable for use by women and men. For daily use. Ingredients: olive emulsion (Olive emulsion), oils: usma leaf, safflower flowers, lily tubers, fragrant rue seeds (Ruta graveolens), honey myrtle leaves (Melaleuca teretifolia), marigold flowers (Tagetes patula), watermelon seeds (Citrullus vulgaris), jojoba seeds (Simmondsia californica), lemon balm flowers, rosemary flowers, linden flowers, silk proteins, ascophyllum seaweed powder, fucus and kelp, powder: bergamot peel (Citrus bergamia), white kapal resin (Buresera odorata), white soap root (Gypsophila ), ylang-ylang hydrolat, tea rose oil, witch hazel, linden absolute, cornflower absolute. Shake when using! Contains a layer of live plants. Volume: 250 ml Shelf life: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 10 months. Production: Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria.
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An excellent composition, a universal remedy for washing hair, taking baths, as an additive in face and hair masks, for pedicures. Awesome rose scent. Bravo, hardworking Syrians!
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Emulsion-shampoo is perfect for face and body care - as a cleansing and nourishing mask and a means for enhanced hair growth. The components of the shampoo have excellent antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and regenerating properties that have a beneficial effect on the scalp and quickly restore its health. Shampoo is suitable for the most naughty and weak hair, difficult to care for. Natural ingredients are able to truly "tame" the hair, making it smooth, like Damascus silk, filling it with vitality and volume. Shampoo-mask for intensive repair and hydration of chemically treated, coarse or weakened hair. Due to the high concentration of active ingredients, it effectively moisturizes and restores the hair, the hair becomes obedient, shiny, smooth, and also protected from harmful effects. Shampoo perfectly strengthens hair roots, restores intercellular metabolic processes, moisturizes the skin and eliminates peeling, helps to significantly reduce hair loss, improves hair structure along the entire length and stimulates their growth. Sari Bustan is ideal for restoring weakened, lifeless hair. Natural oils prevent the formation of static electricity, leaving hair beautifully silky. The magnificent natural aroma of herbs, makes the use of this shampoo the perfect time for an aromatherapy session at home, the aroma of herbs is set off by the aroma of acacia flowers and gives the composition an unexpectedly sophisticated note, leaving a subtle and forever beautiful fragrance on the hair. The components of the shampoo have excellent antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and regenerating properties that have a beneficial effect on the skin and quickly restore its health. You will notice a bright effect of the shampoo, also if you have dyed hair. Whether it is chemical dyes or natural dyes, the shampoo protects and preserves the color of the hair, for non-colored hair, it helps to reduce the process of graying of the hair or postpones this process. Particular attention should be paid to Sari Bustan if there are any manifestations of acute and chronic dermatitis, as well as manifestations of dandruff, itching and dryness of the scalp. The shampoo treats highly effectively, while being an indispensable prophylactic for every day, excellently cleansing and removing excess fat. Your hair becomes healthy and obedient, they radiate color and a fresh, transparent shine! The use of natural shampoo. Bustan Budur shampoos are not just hair washing products, they are multifunctional care and beauty products for the whole body. They are perfectly mixed with various enriching components and turn into a whole arsenal of beauty! For hair: Apply to damp hair, lather and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with water and apply a natural conditioner. During exposure, the shampoo gently dissolves impurities, and the oils nourish the hair and scalp. For the face: use as a cleanser and make-up remover. As a mask for problematic skin (you can add bailun or ghassoul clay, facial oil blends, powder masks), soak the emulsion for 5-15 minutes. The product perfectly cleanses the skin, draws out impurities and does not break the lipid film, as it does not contain soap. For the shower: it is successfully used as a natural, highly effective shower gel, also for irritated skin, for intimate hygiene and for washing children. Scrub base: add any scrub, herbal mask, bailun or ghassoul clay, ground coffee, body wrap and other scrubbing substances to the shampoo. The resulting scrub for the body and face is superbly applied, works great, rinses off perfectly. The skin before and after it does not require additional cleansing - apply only cream. Additive to masks for face, hair, body - 1 teaspoon of shampoo per mask. The additive improves application and rinsing, promotes better penetration of the active ingredients of the mask into the skin and hair, enriches the active composition. Intensive softening of rough skin: apply shampoo in its pure form on the skin of the feet, hands, elbows and put on polyethylene and cotton gloves. After 0.5-1 hour, the skin will soften and it will be easy to remove it with a pumice stone, a brush or a special tool. Ingredients: Olive-laurel emulsion (from abu-satl olives and noble laurel fruit), oil of noble laurel fruit (Laurus nobilis), oil of flowers and seeds of the fragrant acacia Acacia suaveolens, juice and oil of the Syrian olive (Olea europaea), argan oil ( Argania spinosa L.), Usma leaf oil, Shea butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Glycyrrhiza glabra licorice root oil, Mespilus Syrian mismula seed oil, Papaver alpinum L. poppy seed oil, grape seed oil, Hemerocallis plicata daylily root oil, oil Corylus hazelnut, Hamamelis virginiana L. hydrolate, Rosmarinus officinalis hydrolate, natural acacia resin (Gum Arabic), Sumatran styrax resin (Styrax), Shakakai acacia pod soap beans, Saponaria officinalis soap root saponins. Shake when using! Contains a layer of living plants Volume: 200 ml Shelf life: 18 months. Once the vial packaging is opened, it is recommended to use the contents within 12 months. Production: LAMA Manufacture, Syria, Tartous, Maten Al-Sahel, Bsireh aljadida